ICL PC ComputersThis is the basis of the PC seriesRair Black Box PCThis is the first of the PC seriesICL PC 1This is the next of this seriesICL PC 2This is the first 16 bit PCICL PC 16This is the next of this seriesICL PC QuattroThis is a small Prototype seriesICL PC QuattroThis is the follow on of this seriesICL PC Quattro XMThis is a re-modeled XMICL PC Quattro XM-2External Drives and PrintersICL PC Quattro ExternalsThis is an IBM CompatibleICL ErgoPro E4-66D |
ICL DRS ComputersA Basic and an Interactive Video TerminalICL DRS 20 Models 6 & 16This is an all in one with 8085 processorsICL DRS 20 Model 125This has five 8085 processorsICL DRS 20 Model 128This is a 16 bit computerICL DRS 8801These are powerfull multiuser computersICL DRS 300 Graphics WorkstationICL DRS POWERBUILD & DRS 300 Workstations This is the ICL Printer for the DRS 300ICL DRS 300 PrinterThese are Dos computersICL DRS M30/M40/M45/M50/M55/M75This is a Professional Dos computerICL DRS PWS M80ICL System 25/1 desktop computerICL System 25/1 |